To Colin Smith,

I recently purchased an NAD Viso 1 and am enjoying it immensely. I came across your SoundStage! Xperience review and the following jumped out at me: "Playing one night with my iPad, I discovered that I could not only send what music it contained to the Viso 1 via Bluetooth, but also that I could use the iPad as a hub, connecting the NAD to my iMac’s huge music library over Wi-Fi, then using the iPad to broadcast to the Viso 1, over aptX Bluetooth, anything I wished to hear."

I was wondering if you could share how you did this. I'm familiar with using a Bluetooth connection from my iDevices to the Viso 1, but not as a hub to connect to our main computer and library. This is very interesting. The Bluetooth works very well with the Viso 1 but I still wish NAD would have incorporated AirPlay as well since the iDevices don't (yet) support aptX as far as I understand. Thanks in advance.

Jay Mitchosky

Ok, I've got my iPad in my hands so here's how I stream music from my Mac to the NAD Viso 1 via the iPad. First, music sharing has to be turned on in iTunes on your Mac. Once that is on, open Music on your iPad, iPod or iPhone and go into Shared. From there your Mac (or I suppose PC running iTunes) music library should appear. Select it as the source for your music. Your library contents should now appear on screen. Up in the right-hand corner you'll see the icon for AirPlay. Select that and choose your Viso 1 as the output device. Now select what music you want to hear and make sure the Viso 1 is set to the Bluetooth input using the selector switch. That's it. Your Viso 1-accessible library likely just got a lot bigger! . . . Colin Smith